精幹專家團隊 專攻疑難危案
Professional team with the ability to handle difficult cases

權威辦理(Areas of Professional Service)

  • 旅遊簽證(Visitor Visa)
  • 學生簽證(Student Visa)
  • 工作簽證(Work Visa)
  • 技術移民(Skilled Migrant)
  • 家庭團聚移民(Family Categories)
  • 投資移民 創業移民(Business, Investor, Work to Residence)
  • 長期商務簽證(Long Term Business Visa)
  • 上訴(移民、難民和受保護人身份,遣返和驅逐出境)
    (Immigration and Protection Tribunal Appeals [Removal, Refugee, Deportation and Residence])
  • 覆核、移民部長特批(Judicial Review, Ministerial Applications)
  • 政治、人權庇護(Political and Humanitarian Applications)


地址:Vulcan Chambers,
1st Floor, Gifford's Building,
Corner of Vulcan Lane & High Street, Auckland Central
中文助理: 温迪(英語/國語/粵語)
中文電話: 021 115 2800
電話(英): (09) 379 8330
手機(英): 027 209 9179
傳真: (09) 379 6433